1. The last days outpouring
The first session in a series of teaching on the Holy Spirit and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Ronald Gabrielsen is showing the according to the Bible the time we are living in now is a time where God wants to pour out His Spirit on all people, but in order for us to experience it we need to re-aline our hearts so that we are ready for what God wants to do.

I dette hefte tar Ronald Gabrielsen opp hvordan den moderne forståelsen av kjærlighet har vært med å gi mennesker et feil bilde av Gud og hvordan Bibelen presenterer Guds kjærlighet.
2. It started with an outpouring
It started with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that turned a scared group of disciples into bold witnesses for Jesus, willing to die for their faith. This turning-point in Acts chapter 2, empowered them to impact their surroundings everywhere they went . When we no longer have an impact on our surroundings, it is a clear sign that we need a new encounter with the Holy Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit brings change
The first disciple had the best Bible school anyone could have, with Jesus Himself as the teacher. But still Jesus told them to wait fulfilling the great commission, until they had been baptised with the Holy Spirit. When this happened there was a radical change in their life. Suddenly everything Jesus had been teaching them came alive.
God wants an intimate friendship with us
Teaching about the Holy Spirit, the focus is often on the gifts — or the outer manifestations. But there is also an inner work of the Spirit that provides a solid foundation for the external works. When Ezekiel prophesied about the new covenant, it is clear that God wanted to become intimate with Man again and that this new fellowship would change our behavior.